Our Approche to Discipline

We have a gentle approach to discipline that doesn’t include time out, humiliation or any kind of physical or emotional punishment. Our environment is set up in a way that children are not restrained, and in a way they can make choices and thrive. We recognize that education, and particularly early childhood education is not a one size fits all kind of education and that every child is different and  requires a different level of attention, one on one help and guidance.

We encourage children to develop  autonomy, management of feelings, problem solving, and find their own rewards in cooperative social behavior. The goal of discipline at our preschool is to help children develop inner self-controls and to replace adult-maintained external controls. Whenever a conflict arises we support children in finding their own solutions, while also promoting the development of self-control and empathy within each individual child. Teachers set clear, consistent limits and strive to develop close and nurturing relationships with very single child. We also avoid ultimatums that lead to power struggles.

Our approach to behavioral guidance (discipline) is based on the acceptance of a wide range of children’s feelings, the encouragement of self control, and the development of social skills such as turn-takin and empowering children to use their words. Children are encouraged, individually and as a group, to generate possible solutions to conflicts, to predict various outcomes, and to choose alternative behaviors. We work as a team, teachers and parents, to analyze possible reasons for behavioral problems and make whatever adjustments we can in the environment. We offer choices, redirect and point out natural or logical consequences of different behaviors in different situations. Our amazing teachers give love, hugs and words of encouragement all day long.